
Deep Pore Cleansing As Acne Treatment

Having a terribly blemished skin can reflect many various health troubles. Usually skin pores in people with skin troubles are too little via being obstructed. This implies that pore maintenance is the key to a better skin. Below are some ways to consider in keeping your skin pores unclogged from some bad elements. 1. To [...]

Deep Pore Cleansing As Acne Treatment2014-06-30T14:44:05-04:00

REIKI: Energy for Healing!

The sun gives us energy. And we live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well-being. The idea of Reiki is very simple: vibration. There's a frequency or a force [...]

REIKI: Energy for Healing!2014-04-08T14:00:50-04:00


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